Saturday, June 22, 2013

Help Poor Youth...Empower Themselves

The funds raised will help support 20 youth groups (300 young people) in Kenya to engage in small income generating activities. This will help rescue the youth from alcoholism and drug abuse. It will also assist in controlling the spread of HIV/AIDS among the youth through engagement in economic activities

Monday, June 10, 2013

Kikuyuni Secondary School Students ,, Teachers, Parents and Members of we thank Jack Brajcich and all Students of Fukuoka Jo Gakuin English Lounge for donating BOOKS and Pens,,, also Cards , The partnership of Japan and Kenya is trong hope well so very good

Kikuyuni Secondary School Students ,, Teachers, Parents and Members of we thank Jack Brajcich and all Students of Fukuoka Jo Gakuin English Lounge for donating BOOKS and Pens,,, also Cards , The partnership of Japan and Kenya is strong

Kikuyuni Secondary School Students ,, Teachers, Parents and Members of we thank Jack Brajcich and all Students of Fukuoka Jo Gakuin English Lounge for donating BOOKS and Pens,,, also Cards , The partnership of Japan and Kenya is strong