Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Alexander Ndolo Founder/Director of Kilele Foundation Kenya we're proud to partner with Synne Stophlmacher founder/MD of Majiko of Norway a new project and Peter Shiri BD National Council for Persons with Disabilities Kenya . www.majiko.it www.kilelefoundationkenya.com #TumikiJamii#KileleFoundation #WashImpactNetwork #Sanitationhttp://washinnovations.r4d.org/program/baby-for-me
Kilele Foundation Kenya we are Donating food to our community, we request you to Join this us #KileleFoundation #TumikiaJamii www.kilelefoundationkenya.com

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Our Partnership Nyiva Foundation and Kilele Foundation, With God for the Scholarship of Vaati in Ikombe and Kyende in St Peter's . #Euducation www.kilelefoundationkenya.com

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

THE JAMII CANCER WALK 2017 Awarenesses Month which is next Month.

#Cancer is not a easy disease. it's one of the most complex diseases and there are  many factors which affect the out come.  the type. the grade. the stage. the organ. the age. the gender. the race.  That's why awareness is the  best wayfoward. #liveSTRONG #KileleFoundation #AfricaWithoutCancer . www.kilelefoundationkenya.com www.livestrong.org