Friday, October 26, 2012


Article: The name of the organization shall be called:

Kilele Foundation

P.O BOX 27785-00100 Nairobi Kenya Africa Tlephone: +254722536377 or +254733536377

Motto: Tumikia Jamii

Article: 2 Introduction/ Justifications.
Kilele Foundation is a non-profit making community-based organization in, Machakos at Machakos District Kenya registered under the ministry of culture & social services. We comprise all sorts of youth from students to out of school youth and the also the community within Machakos County .
Generally, Machakos County Sub-district is a semi-arid / arid land inhabited by peasants who depend on produce from their small shambas. The produce in turn depends on the rain patterns and occasion tonally is insufficient thereby necessitating the need for relief food from well wishers and the international communities. Sometimes the peasants supplement their products with small herds of goats and cows depending on the size of their free hold piece of land.
Due to severe weather patterns, most of the peasants cannot afford to sustain their children in school. This results to many school dropouts who end up in drugs, local alcoholism, petty theft and early and unwanted pregnancies and marriages. This continues to drag the community back since the newly weds have no means of earning income and the chain continues with their children.
In order to help the less fortunate while at the same time addressing the above mentioned development drawbacks, some enlightened members of the community felt need for initiating/introducing a community based organisation and ended up forming Kilele Foundation. Kilele Foundation will endeavour to address the issues with a view of reforming the affected community embers. The above problems become compounded when such less fortunate people get infected with the deadly HIV/AIDS and CANCER. All volunteers within community , Inlcluding Teachers, Woman group, handicraft Man, Youth, Nurses, Doctors, Christian and Muslims, have donated their time and skills to meet the needs of orphans and HIV/AIDS victims and also fighting the spreading of any other terrible diseases within the community . We are also well-coming other CBOS, NGOS, in Kenya and International volunteers to support the community, Civic education and poverty eradication, also to market and promote their Agricultural and Handicrafts, local and International, and Educating them how to improve their products and how to manage their incoming resources. Kilele Foundation will also attempt to address the problems through implementation of the objectives stated in Article 3 below.
Description: Kilele Foundation We are NGO set up to Promote socio-economic development of the local community in Kenya. Our main objective is to promote access to quality Education, Save Motherhood Pregnancy ,Maternal health and Young Child birth, fight against diseases e.g. AIDS/HIV, campaign for Cancer , Tuberculosis and Malaria, (HEALTH) , Food security, Water access to all , and Environment conservation and Food sustainability and empowerment ,support their children, and Orphaned and Vulnerable Children in Kenya.


is to open eyes, inform minds, touch hearts and join hands to create a country where all economic, social, and political structures, systems and policies guarantee the dignity and basic rights of every member of the human family. To be the world's best organization able to connect people /groups and Donors with communities in need. And a world Without Cancer, HIV/AIDS.
Of local community organizations in countries through the placement of Local and international volunteers. Write something about Kilele Foundation

Our Mission

is to have a country where economic, political and social systems guarantee basic rights, uphold human dignity and promote sustainable livelihoods to enhance community empowerment through people centered and gender responsive development that creates opportunities to harness potentials necessary for equitable and Sustainable development. exists to contribute to a process of Preventing disease infection, restoring hope and improving the quality of life of people living in the community of Kenya .
Article 3: OBJECTIVES:
i. To empower youth economically through income generating activities.
ii. To create awareness and conduct campaigns on behaviour change among the youth to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS/CANCER. To open an office or a resource center within the community that will be able to offer material such as books on HIV/AIDS education, Video Show, Pamlets, HIV/AIDS/CANCER testing to educate and enable people know their status. To support people with HIV/AIDS children whom HIV/AIDS/CANCER and children from poor families are orphaning by opening Children’s Home and any other support.
iii. To create awareness and advocate for the rights of disabled persons so that they may have equal opportunities economic, social and political.
iv. To improve girl child education through sensitization of families and the community at large on matters concerning education for both children.
v. To support young girls affected by unwanted pregnancies and advocate for the Yatta continuity in education advancement.
vi. To advocate for policies against child labour, abuse and the protection of children.
vii. To educate the families and community on reproduction health and nutrition.
viii. To sensitize the Machakos County community to develop entrepreneurship culture through skills training and resource management.
ix. Sensitize and educate the community on environmental issues.
x. To act as agent of change by promoting the restoration of our rich culture.
xi. To mobilize resources and offer support for orphans.
xii. Creating liaison with Heads of Primary and Secondary Schools within the community for purposes of monitoring and evaluating HIV/AIDS teaching in schools as well as its implementation in the school syllabus.
xiii. To collaborate with other organizations, locally and internationally to exchange volunteers and and also cooperate on projects.
xiv. Mobilize local, national & international resources to expant capacity to fight HIV/AIDS
As a community based organization we hope to act as resource centre for information, communication and counseling on issues affecting young persons in the community and the community in totality.


This organization has twenty-five members who are persons whose focus is to support and advocate for social, economic and cultural development of young persons in the division as an interest group.
Membership of Kilele Foundation will generally comprise of the following categories:


These members of the community who subscribe to support the ideas and objectives of community based organization. The membership under this category is based on no payment
Any member may be expelled from the organization if the committee so recommends and
Any member proposed for expulsion shall be expelled on grounds:
a) That his/her conduct has adversely affected the reputation or dignity of the organization.
b) He/she has contravened any of the provisions of the constitution of the organization.
c) The committee shall have no powers to suspend or expel a member until the next general meeting of the organization. The committee shall only be empowered to propose a suspension or an expulsion of a member. Following such a proposal but not withstanding such suspension/expulsion of members whose expulsion or suspension is proposed shall have the right to address the general meeting at which his expansion or suspension is to be considered.
Any member person who resigns or is removed from membership shall not be entitled to a refund of any payments made or contributed by him/her at anytime or any part thereof.


The office bearers of the organization shall be:
i. The Chairperson
ii. The Vice Chairperson
iii. The Secretary
iv. The Assistance Secretary
v. The Treasurer
vi. The vice Treasurer
All office bearers shall be paid up members of the organization. Any office bearers who cease to be a member of the organization shall automatically cease to be an office bearer and persons elected at the Annual General Meeting by a simple vote of show of hands or secret ballot shall fill the vacancy created.

Article 6: CONDUCT

All office bearers shall be responsible for the smooth running of the organization and shall be responsible for all the assets and instability of Kilele Foundation and misappropriation of property or funds shall result in an automatic dismissal as spelt out above. No member shall make any unilateral decision for the organization without consulting the committee.


i. Chairperson – the Chairperson shall unless presented by illness or any other sufficient cause, preside over all meetings and shall be the coordinator of all activities of Kilele Foundation.
ii. Vice-Chairperson - in the absence of the Chairperson or when called upon shall assume all the duties of the latter.
iii. Secretary – the Secretary shall deal with all the correspondence of the organization and shall also in case or urgent matters consult the Chairperson. The Secretary shall issue notices convening all meetings of the committee and shall be responsible for keeping minutes of all such meetings and for the preservation of all records of proceedings all Kilele Foundation and the committee.
iv. Assistant Secretary – shall in the absence of the Secretary or when called upon assume all the duties of the latter.
v. Treasurer – shall receive and also disburse under the direction to the committee all the monies belonging to Kilele Foundation and shall issue receipts for all monies received and reserve vouchers for all monies paid.
vi. Assistant Treasurer – shall in the absence of the treasurer or when called upon assume all the duties of the latter.


The committee shall consist of all the office bearers of
Kilele Foundation and four (4) more ordinary members of Kilele Foundation elected at the AGM each year. They shall hold office until the following A.G.M and they shall meet quarterly. The office bearers shall meet quarterly. The office bearers shall be in office four (4) years and shall be eligible for re-election. They shall serve a maximum of three (3) terms.


There shall be two classes of meetings.
i. Annual General Meetings (AGM)
ii. Special General Meetings (SGM)
The AGM shall be held not later than 31st December of each year. Notice in writing of such A.G.M. accompanied by annual statement of account and the agenda for the meeting shall be sent to all members not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting.
The committee may call the S.G.M for any specific purpose and notice in writing of such a meeting shall be sent to other members not less than 14 days before the date of the meeting.
The quorum for these meeting shall not be less than ten people incase of lack of quorum the meeting shall therefore be called off until further notice.


Kilele Foundation shall be dissolved except by a dissolution passed at a General Meeting of members by a vote of two thirds (2/3) of the members present. If no quorum is obtained, the proposal to dissolve the organization shall be submitted to a further general meeting. Dissolution shall be affected when permission in writing given by the Divisional Registrar of CBO, and signed by the three office bearers who are the Chairperson, the Secretary and the Treasurer.

Article 11: ACCOUNTS

Association money shall be kept in a bank account to be operated on behalf of the association by three signatories, the Chairperson, the Secretary and the Treasurer or two signatories, Chairperson and the Treasurer.
The Treasurer shall keep the petty cash for the office use.
The books of accounts and all other documents and the list of members of Kilele Foundation shall be available for inspection at the registered office of Kilele Foundation by any member of Kilele Foundation on giving seven days in notice in writing to the organization.

Article 12: AUDITOR

An auditor shall be appointed for the following year by the A.G.M.
All Kilele Foundation accounts, records and documents shall be opened to the inspection of the auditor at any time. The auditor shall maximize such accounts and statements and either clarifying they are correct.
A copy of the auditor’s report on the accounts and statements shall be furnished to all members at the same time as the notice conveying the A.G.M is sent out.
No auditor shall be an office bearer or a member of the committee of the organization.
Article 13: AMENDMENTS
The A.G.M shall make amendments to the organization constitution by a two third majority vote of the member present. However the changes shall not be effected until put in writing to the registrar and is approved.

Kilele Foundation

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